Friday, November 20, 2009

Pain and Discomfort

Brayden is finally over roseola!!  Last Thursday he had a fever. Russ called me and asked me to leave work and come home early. He was so worried and just didn't know what to do. I walked in the door and Brayden just cried out for me. I took his temp and it was 102.7 so off to the doctors we went. The Dr told me that he had a double ear infection and possibly the swine flu. He said that I just had to let it pass. That night his temperature reached 104. At this point I was so worried and stressed out I just didn't know what to do. After all, this is my first child so I'm basically learning as I go. I called my sister and my mom. Thankfully, my sister lives right upstairs from me and rushed down. We put cold wash clothes under his arm pits, groin area, and neck. He was just screaming and moaning. I just couldn't stand to see him in so much pain. I wanted to just take it all away and make him feel better. We finally got his temperature down to 102. The rest of the night was really rough. He just couldn't sleep nor could I. All I did was worry about him and if he was okay. Friday night his temp reached 105.2. I was in tears when I called my mom. I rushed him to the IHC ER. I waited about fifteen minutes for them to call his name. We went on back to have the nurse check him out. She says we have to get his fever down. She shoved Motrin down his throat while he was screaming!! I was really, really, upset by this point. When the Dr finally came in 15 minutes later he stated that he has the swine flu. He recommended that I give him tamiflu and just let it pass. His fever had gone down a little so we went on home. Every three hours I had to force him to take medicine to ensure his fever stayed down. Saturday he was still running a fever and was miserable. I was debating going to get his prescription filled or not. I have heard about all of the side effects associated with it. I decided I wouldn't get it.  I was thankful that his fever didn't spike back up that night. He slept for 13 hours straight. Sunday he started breaking out in a rash. Small little circles began to spread all over his body. I did some research and couldn't find anything that looked quite like it. I was then debating taking him back to the ER. I figured he was doing a little better so I would wait until the morning. Well Monday morning rolled around and they had gotten worse. We went to the Dr and discovered that he had Roseola. It only took a total of three trips! I was relieved and disgusted at the same time. Why didn't the previous Dr's run tests? They just said it's the swine flu and sent us on our way. For those of you who don't know what roseola is. It's basically a form of the measles. Fist off, the whole swine flu thing is totally overrated. I'm sick of hearing about it. Second, about 85% of Dr's do this just for the money. This was the first time my son had been this sick. It had to have been the most stressful, worry-some, and sad thing I had ever experienced. I had to watch my son go through that and I couldn't do anything for him. I hope there isn't a next time but I'm sure there will be. I will be prepared.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


All of us experience change in our lives. Change is the one constant in our lives. There are changes that we look forward too and change that we fear. However, one thing is for sure. Things will not stay the same no matter how much we would like them too. When a life change occurs, we have two choices in how to respond. We can despair that a change has come and assume that things will be worse, or we can look with excitement at the new possibilities that the change presents.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Before I was a mom

Before I was a mom I never learned the words to a lullaby. I never thought about immunizations, I have never been puked on, pooped on, drooled on, chewed on, or peed on. I had complete control of my mind and my thoughts. I slept all night. I never looked into teary eyes and cried. I never got gloriously happy over a simple little grin. I never sat up for hours watching a baby sleep. I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt. I never knew that something so small could affect my life so much. I never knew that I could love someone so much. I never knew I would love being a mom.


What is the definition of micromanagement? Well, according to the Websters dictionary it is: "To manage with great or excessive control, or attention to details." Most people consider this a negative thing, me being one of them. Most people would like to be left alone to do there work but when you are micromanaged it is difficult. There is no need to be so specific and so detailed that it drives others mad... A great manager should hire the very best people out there and give them the tools they need to do the job. Make sure that you communicate and give recognition when deserved. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Thought for the day

God doesn't give you the people you want, he gives you the people you need. To help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you, and to make you into the person you were meant to be.

Monday, November 2, 2009


So I have to say, holidays are much more important now that I have a son. I actually decorated and carved pumpkins for the first time! I want my son to have everything I didn't growing up. I want him to experience all the good things that come along with it. Halloween was great! I dressed him up and we just had the best time playing and passing out candy. Although he's not old enough to help carve pumpkins he still wanted to participate. He had to know what mommy was doing! He gets so excited over the littlest things, it's great! I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving and I'm even more excited about Christmas. Some people say that they don't understand or even care about gifts and all the stuff that goes along with it. Even though he can't talk he knows something special is going on. He's such a smart boy.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Pig Sickness

So I finally managed to get over this sickness. It has been a week and it wasn't so easy. I still can't figure out why everyone is making such a huge deal over the swine flu. It is just like influenza. Every time I turn on the news I hear about it. Why can't they talk about something more important and meaningful. Just as many people die for influenza as they do H1N1. What about all the people that die every day from more serious things such as cancer, emphysema, and HIV. Or how many people die from smoking, car accidents, and even hunger. This so called epidemic is getting on my nerves even more so than Jon and Kate Gosselin. Get over it people!!